Baray Choan Dek

Read the story: “Borrowed Memorial

Baray Choan Dek

18 September 2012

Wat Baray Choan Dek, Baray District, Kampong Thom Province – Through the main entrance, the main pagoda will be on the right. Behind the pagoda are several stupa structures. Memorial is located behind one of the large trees and is recognizable by bright blue window.

Four-sided small building, white cement, red tile roof with kbach rim, deity carving face on roof face in front and back, red color inscription on each side (“Here lies a resting place for the ashes of the ones who were killed”), tile platform around main structure with tile steps leading up to structure, room in core of structure contains 3 to 4 foot high pile of bone remains viewable through glass door with blue frame in front and smaller glass windows with blue frame on other three sides, sign with written names of victims (unknown origin) sits in front of pile behind front glass door, door has a lock but key location unknown according to monk on premises, gold-plated decorative leaves laid in front of remains, small plant growing out of front door, cement block with inscription sits to the left at base of stairs

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