Kampong Tralach

Read the story: “How to Be in a Relationship with Death” and “The Purple Mango Memorial

Kampong Tralach

6 January 2013 and 14 April 2013

Wat Kampong Tralach, Kampot District, Kampot Province – The wat is located near the White Horse roundabout. Through the front entrance, the main pagoda will be on the right. Continue through the clearing between the main pagoda and the front side of the temple site. A small purple building will be visible in the middle of an open clearing with a tree grove to the left.

6 January 2013: Four-sided one-room house structure with clay tile roof, ceramic tile front terrace, front glass door and a single glass window on the remaining three sides, exterior walls painted faint purple, traditional Chinese-origin color paper strips pasted on wall exteriors, memorial surrounded by short fence, door is usually locked but groundskeeper has keys to open, inside arm and leg bone remains are stacked on left while skulls are stacked on right, color paper strips are strewn across the tops of the remains, Buddhist religious artifacts and a donation container sit against the back wall, the grass and dirt clearing in front of the memorial are where the mass graves are located

14 April 2013: Memorial conditions remain same except walls cleaned of color paper strips and Cambodian New Year celebration litter found in front of memorial

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